The Challenges of Addiction and Does Your Insurance Cover Rehab?

Addiction can be a life-changing condition, most of the time involving negative results. Although there are several types of addictions, some of them related to illegal substances. While others involve legal components, addiction is usually one of the many things. In life that can greatly hinder our capabilities to function normally.

An addiction problem can then cause both mental and physical problems. Affecting the way people perceive themselves and the ones that surround them. And the way they handle life itself and its many responsibilities. Simply put, it has the potential of ruining an individual’s life when left untreated. And it can cause long-term issues that might even be fatal in some circumstances.

There are many ways to tackle the situation, however. Some people have the luck of receiving the support of both friends. And family, while at the same time, they enjoy enough discipline and mental fortitude. To deal with all the challenges involved in the recovery process. 

This is, however, a rare case, since having a dependency on a certain substance and being able. To resist the urges of consuming it is not something. That a lot of people can do, which is why receiving help. Especially professional help, is the best approach you can take.

Thankfully, there are many ways to do so. But the best way to handle it is through something known as rehabilitation. In this article, we will talk about the many challenges someone suffering from addiction might. Have to deal with when he or she starts rehabilitation and the how health insurance might provide some support for it.

Understanding the Science Behind Addiction

The human body is complex by nature. Many organs and components of the body are in charge of different things, and the body itself can be easily influenced by different components. Medication, for example, is used to stimulate the body in a way that causes a beneficial result, making it possible to treat certain diseases and conditions.

Now, although most of the time medication is used to obtain positive results, there is a chance someone might develop a certain level of dependency on specific medications, and this is usually the case with medication that is meant to tackle mental conditions, such as depression or anxiety.

On the other hand, other legal and illegal substances can have the same effect. Illegal drugs created through chemical processes are well known for being among the most addictive substances one can find, and even legal substances like alcohol can produce dependency in people, mostly when undesirable circumstances affect individuals on an emotional level.

As covered here, dependency then causes an overwhelming, usually uncontrollable desire to consume the substance causing the problem, even when the said substance is known for causing health problems, and at times, long-lasting changes in the body’s system, including organs like the brain, kidney, and heart.

Not only that, but problems related to addiction usually cause the patient to act in a very self-destructive, compulsive way, which can even lead to aggressive and violent behaviors, only because of the need to consume the component of their desire.

This makes it pretty difficult, and even impossible in some cases, for the individual to lead a comfortable, fruitful life since the person dealing with the problem usually has no control over their feelings and actions.

And usually, the best way to solve the situation is through rehabilitation, but rehabilitation englobes challenges as well.

The Actual Challenges of Rehabilitation

There are different types of rehabilitation, as showcased over at But when it comes to addictions, it can be described. As the medical practice that focuses on helping the individual deal with the addiction and problems related to dependency. This involves different practices, from therapy, counseling, to treatment. And sometimes medication, all for the sake of overcoming the urge to consume.

The biggest challenge when it comes to rehabilitation is that the patient itself. Has to put a lot of effort and properly engage with the process. Without the combined efforts of all parties involved, the rehabilitation process is very unlikely to succeed.

Considering the nature of addiction and the problem it usually brings to the table. Both mentally and physically, it makes it an extremely hard thing to achieve, since although. At times the patient itself desires to get better, he or she doesn’t have the mental fortitude. To deal with all the necessary aspects of a proper rehab.

On the other hand, some people might succumb to withdrawal. Which is a physical and mental phenomenon that occurs in the body when the individual has ceased. To consume a specific drug or substance. Several types of substances cause withdrawal symptoms that vary in levels of gravity. But the more the person has consumed the drug, the stronger it tends to be.

Some of the most common symptoms involve:

  • Muscle pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Tearing eyes
  • Excessive sweating
  • Trembling
  • High blood pressure
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Dilated pupils

Because of this, rehabilitation might involve residential treatment. Although it tends to be expensive in comparison to other forms of rehab, it is usually a lot more efficient and provides an extra layer of safety and more attention to how the patient is progressing. 

Insurance and Facilities

Since rehabilitation can be expensive, especially residential treatments, you might want to rely on your insurance policy. There are specific providers, such as Cigna, that do have benefits for people wanting to try rehabilitation, and rehab centers that accept Cigna can be easily found, some of them providing rehab for particular problems, of course, including drug addiction.

Usually, health insurance does cover rehabilitation since addiction is considered a condition that requires treatment and falls under the field of health care. The benefits insurance can provide, though, depends entirely on the organization handling your insurance policy, as well as the terms of the insurance itself. 

It usually facilitates the process of finding a facility to work with, while frequently providing either sessions, discounts, preferential treatment, and access to checks or appointments. It is even possible to receive residential treatment at a much more reasonable price as well.

If you already have health insurance, it is easy to know if it covers rehabilitation. Visit their websites or contact them to get to know more about it and ask as many questions as you can to prepare for the journey! 

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